
Please read what some people have to say about us...
Ballut Farm Ltd
Clive Vella, Managing Director, Ballut Farm Ltd
We, at Ballut Farm Ltd, sought the services of Atriga Consult to develop a Project Description Statement (PDS) related with structural improvements to our poultry farm. We were extremely satisfied with the service offered by Atriga Consult particularly with their dedication and professionalism. Following on-site meetings, one-to-one assessment of the farm operation as well as meetings with the architect and Government officials, Atriga Consult completed the requested PDS within a restricted timeframe. This report was submitted to MEPA for screening purposes and was a vital element in the successful implementation of our objectives. Atriga Consult kept on following the planning application process even after their duties were accomplished and we felt that they considered our project as if it was their own.
Maypole Group
Mr. Carmel Debono, Chairman, Maypole Group
“Jiena kelli progett gewwa qalbi u kien ambizzjuz hafna izda kont naqta’ qalbi ghax la kont naf minn fejn ridt nibda u wisq anqas fejn kelli nispicca. Kont kellimt xi nies li lanqas biss fehmu l-progett! Providenzjalment ltqajt ma’ Alfred Triganza li kont ilni nafu ghal ftit zmien u fehmtu l-hsieb u x-xewqat tieghi dwar il-progett li kelli f’mohhi. Alfred ried jahsibha sewwa fuq il-progett u, wara ftit taz-zmien, gie lura bi pjan ta’ kif ser nahdmu kif ukoll mil-liema fondi ewropej konna nibbenefikaw. Dan il-fattur kien wiehed ferm important sabiex il-progett isehh. Alfred hadem pjan komplut mill-bidu sa l-ahhar u li fih dahal sa l-anqas dettal. Waqt it-twettieq tal-pjan u x-xoghol korrispondenti li kien il-hin kollu ghaddej Alfred kien jassisti il-hin kollu u f’kollox li setgha jghin fih. Kien strumentali sabiex iffacilita t-twettieq tal-htigiiet kollha mitluba mill-awtoritajiet koncernati fejn jidhlu xoghol approvat mill-fondi ewropej.
Illum il-progett ilu jahdem ghal aktar minn sentejn u, minn zmien ghal zmien, ghadu jigi jittawwal sabiex jara li kollox huwa sewwa.
Ghal Alfred il-progett kien daqs li kieku kien tieghu personali ... jahdem b’hafna serjeta’ u professjonalita’. Nahseb li f’hajti ftit nista’ niltaqa’ ma’ nies ta’ professjonalita’ u perfetti u fitti f’xoghlhom daqs Alfred.”
"I had a very ambitious project in mind, but little hope that this could ever see the light of day because I had no idea where to start from, let alone how to see it through to completion. I had spoken to some persons about it, but they did not even grasp the concept! Luckily I met Alfred Triganza, whom I had known for some time, and I explained to him my thoughts and wishes about the project I had in mind. Alfred told me that he would give the project some serious thought, and after some time, he came back with a working plan and an indication of possible EU funds. This was a very important factor for the realisation of the project. Alfred drew up a detailed plan outlining the entire process, from commencement to completion. Throughout the implementation phase and while works were ongoing, Alfred would assist whenever required in any way he could. He was instrumental in facilitating the fulfillment of all requirements set by the relevant authorities in connection with EU-funded works.
The project has now been running for more than two years, and from time to time he still drops in to make sure that everything is working well.
Alfred took to this project as if it were his own ... he works with great integrity and professionalism. I believe that throughout my life, seldom have I met people with the same professional work ethic and perfectionism that Alfred embraces."
Borgo Knights Limited
Mr. Albert Filletti, Director, Borgo Knights Limited
“Minn dak inhar li ltqajt mas-sur Alfred Triganza hu laqghani mill-ewwel bhalli kieku kont tal-familja jew li kien ilu jafni zmien. Esprimejt ruhi x'ridt minn ghandu u mill-ewwel medd ghonqu ghax-xoghol, jibni u jorqom il-progett li kellimtu fuqhu, daqslikieku kien tieghu. Il-kuntatti u n-nies li jaf minn kull settur huma bla ghadd, sew lokali kif ukoll barranin. Alfred hu open hafna u straight to the point, fejn jidhlu negozjati. Ma jikkuntentax bl-ewwel tentattiv li jfalli, imma jibqa' jahdem biex jaghtik aktar mill-ottimu. Jien kuntent bil-konsulenza tieghu hafna. Il-hlas tal-konsulenza tieghu, ghalija kien investiment li rrenda. Issibu jara x-xoghol isir u li jsir kif u fiz-zmien mifthiem. Id-deadlines ta' progetti flimkien huma l-hobz tieghu ta' kuljum.”
"From the first day I met Mr. Alfred Triganza, he welcomed me warmly as if I were a family member or an old acquaintance. I explained to him what I needed, and he started working on it immediately, building and refining the project we had discussed as if it were his own. His local and international contacts and networks are unparallaled. Alfred is very open and direct in his dealings. He does not give up when the first attempt fails, but continues striving to give the utmost to his client. I am very satisfied with his consultancy, and consider the fees paid as a profitable investment. He ensures that works are carried out as specified and on time - project deadlines are his daily bread."
The Borrelli Family
Sig. Claudio Borrelli, Company Director
"Having decided to move from Italy to Malta to transfer my business activities, I turned to the Maltese Italian Chamber of Commerce to get the initial information on the possibilities that the island had to offer. Following the examination and evaluation of some opportunities it was essential for my family to have an advisor and I was introduced to Mr Alfred Triganza of Atriga Consult. The result of this meeting could not have been more satisfying.
MrTriganza is a serious and competent professional with proven experience, helpful and highly trained. He has held various positions in small, medium and large businesses.
Apart from Maltese and English, Mr Triganza also speaks good Italian and has a working knowledge of the German language.
Following a few meetings with Mr Triganza one cannot but recognise the fact that it is so easy for him to establish a working relationship based on a high level of humanity as well as a strong ability to empathize with the needs of the customer seeking the best solutions.
His suggestions are and will always be precious to me and my family and worthy of the highest consideration. "
James Caterers Ltd.
Mr. James Barbara, Managing Director, James Caterers Ltd.
“To date I have been extremely pleased with the consultancy services provided by Mr Alfred Triganza. Alfred brought the optimal mix of accounting knowledge, marketing knowledge and real life experience. He always asks the right probing questions and really listens to our answers to ensure that he is meeting our needs. Alfred has been able to quickly grasp what we want to accomplish and has regularly presented us with some great ideas on how to enable us to achieve our goals. He has a wide variety of implementation scenarios in his background that he can draw information from.
We have been using the services of Atriga Consult for a number of years, particularly in our quest to tap export markets. Alfred’s knowledge of international business has been pivotal to date.
Having, over the last few years, set our export strategy we needed to promote our products abroad and Alfred’s assistance throughout the export development cycle, namely from product development to active participation at specialized exhibitions such as the SIAL Food Exhibition Fair in France in 2010 and the ANUGA Food Exhibition Fair in Germany in 2011 and 2013 respectively, was indeed very crucial.”
The Maltese Italian Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Denis Borg, Secretary General, The Maltese Italian Chamber of Commerce
"The Maltese Italian Chamber of Commerce has on several occasions entrusted ATRIGA CONSULTING SERVICES for the handling of deliverables on E.U. funded projects. The quality of service and of the deliverables was always punctual and excellent. The Board of the Chamber and myself as Secretary General have appreciated Alfred’s professional approach to the tasks entrusted to him and can safely recommend ATRIGA CONSULTING SERVICES as reliable and trustworthy.
Cherry on the cake of this collaboration is that working shoulder to shoulder with Alfred Triganza for the duration of the project - which spanned over a period of 24 months - was productive, formative and a very enjoyable experience.
We look forward to having the opportunity of working together again in the near future."
The Limestone Heritage Park & Gardens
Mr. Emmanuel Baldacchino, Managing Director, The Limestone Heritage Park & Gardens
“We hired Alfred Triganza on behalf of Atriga Consult, to take care of the new branding for The Limestone Heritage, Park and Gardens. After a few consultations and meetings, he understood the company’s needs and started working on the job. He was always there to answer any questions. Furthermore Mr Triganza was instrumental in us securing EU funds enabling us to carry out necessary infrastructural works as well as embarking on important promotional initiatives. We highly recommend Atriga Consult to other business owners because his quality of work is very professional and a job well done!”
Malta Tourism Authority
Ms. Suzanne Cassar Dimech, (former) Segment Head Sports, Malta Tourism Authority
“Since this was the first EU funded project in which we were personally involved, the Sports Segment Team relied on the expertise and continuous support from Mr Alfred Triganza, who was engaged as an external consultant for the SIBIT project. I have to say that he was a reliable pillar, and his presence was particularly appreciated when discussing management and coordination issues pertaining to the project. Mr Triganza, who also handled the organisation of all the informational seminars in Malta, had a professional approach throughout the duration of the project, even though the project went beyond the planned timeframe, by a further 6 months over and above his contract of engagement”
Electrical Supplies & Services Ltd
Mr. Duncan Agius, Chairman & CEO, Electrical Supplies & Services Ltd
“I've personally known Alfred Triganza of Atriga Consult for nearly five years. He has a wealth of experience and a creative approach in addressing marketing challenges. I have been fortunate to work with him on a number of occasions and his assistance and advice has always been very useful to our company. Every time I have worked with Atriga it has been both a productive and an enjoyable experience. This is best exemplified by the numerous endeavors we did together since March 2010 where we started off by working together on an application for EU funds where the company managed to obtain a considerable amount in grants. Atriga later also assisted ESS in tendering related matters and other general consultancy, human recourses management and provided marketing services.
I can't recommend Atriga highly enough - their advice and marketing expertise helped us greatly in launching our new lighting showroom and the results speak for themselves. Our marketing campaign aired on TVM at prime time is a vivid example of the level of professional service provided by the company.
I look forward to continuing a fruitful and successful relationship with Atriga Consult.”
Valletta Local Council
Prof. Alexiei Dingli, Mayor, Valletta Local Council
“The Valletta Local Council commissioned Atriga Consult with the task of performing a branding exercise for Valletta, the Capital City of Malta. Mr Triganza and his team did an exceptional job with respect to identifying the people's perception about the city, spotting the deficiencies which might exist and suggest a way forward which also includes a merchandising strategy associated with the city. Overall we were very satisfied with their work and we would definitely recommend them. Atriga Consult was also consulted during the drafting of the Valletta 2018 Bid book which was instrumental for us to get the title of European Capital of Culture in 2018."
Innovogy Ltd.
Mr. Dylan Seychell, Partner, Innovogy Ltd.
“Innovogy Ltd proudly collaborated with Atriga Consult on the EU project OBIMED. In this project, Innovogy was responsible for the development of the mobile applications for Android and iPhone together with a corresponding online platform for cities to update data about their cities. Alfred Triganza effectively managed the relationship between Innovogy and the other partners in the project. We strongly commend the contribution of Atriga Consult since it rendered the process seamless with the consistent manner in which they handled the requirements, correspondence and deliverables”
MC Interior Designers
Mr. Martin Camilleri, Managing Director, MC Interior Designers
“A few months ago Mr Triganza approached me to work in collaboration with him on a heritage / tourism oriented project. The project was a complex one but yet I found his approach to be simple, informative and effective. I always felt particularly at ease to input and explain my ideas when we regularly met to discuss the progress of the design.
Apart from work related topics, I also immensely enjoy conversing with Mr Triganza on any subject that will be making news at that particular time. Furthermore, I was especially impressed with his sound and accurate evaluation of the European Union and its multitude of policies regarding finance / investment in areas like research and development.”