EU Funding Opportunities

Key Funding Programmes
The European Commission devises an array of funding programmes based on policies that European Union members are invited to implement. These funding programmes provide financial support to public and private organisations that operate within different fields such as agriculture, innovation, economy, business, infrastructure, tourism and many more.
The recently proposed EU Budget, also known as the Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014-2020, is allocating €15.2bn towards education, training, and youth, €1.6bn for the cultural and creative sector and another €80bn towards Research and Development called Horizon 2020.
Atriga Consult guides and helps clients from different sectors tap into these funding opportunities and undertake projects that support both the business and the community. The firm is committed to facilitate participation in a number of available funding programmes, such as:
Business Enhance
Seven versatile EU funded measures for Malta-based businesses, mainly SMEs which seek to support start-ups, growth, diversification, internationalisation, e-commerce as well as Reasearch and Innovation. Part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020, is seeks to support enterprises when undertaking investment projects aimed at securing sustainable business growth, by becoming more competitive, innovative and become more resilient to market challenges.
Rural Development Programme
€ 129 million of EU and national funds which seek to improve the economic, social and environmental conditions in rural areas. The Programme brings together a wide range of funding opportunities for farms , rural enterprise and business development, diversification and rural tourism. It includes measures to support and encourage rural communities and delivers the LEADER initiative for local innovation in rural areas. Atriga Consult is a leader in the provision of consultancy services related to the RDP programme in Malta.
LIFE is the EU funding instrument for the environment and climate action. It finances projects which seeks to achieve the EU's environmental goals for the the safeguarding and protection of habitats and species, environment and resource efficiency; environmental governance and information as well as climate change mitigation; climate change adaptation; and climate governance and information.. Projects funded over the years have covered, amongst others, air & noise, energy, electro-mobility, environmental management, industry-production, land-use & planning, risk management, services & commerce; waste and water.
Operational Programme Italia-Malta
The Programme aims at strengthening “the attractiveness and the competitiveness of the cross-border area, within a framework of environmental sustainability” through the following intervention priorities, namely: Competitiveness – Research and Innovation; Sustainable Development; Environment, Energy and Risk prevention; and Activities of Technical Assistance, Awareness, Communication and Publicity
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). Seen as a means to drive economic growth and create jobs by coupling research and innovation Horizon 2020 is helping to achieve this with its emphasis on excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges. Horizon 2020 is open to everyone with a simple structure that reduces red tape and time so participants can focus on what is really important. This approach makes sure new projects get off the ground quickly – and achieve results faster.