Marketing Services

Marketing is a vital component to the longevity of any business. Atriga Consult endeavours to develop a marketing mix that is based on your target audience and budget and, amongst other things, helps you to understand the market you operate in, identify sources for future growth and the level of competition your business is facing.
Our experience in different marketing environments coupled with, where necessary, highly commendable collaborations, will guarantee you a service which is qualitatively exceptional, technically competent and professionally presented.
Our marketing services shall enable us to define your marketing mix, particularly placing emphasis on us:
- understanding your customer by developing a clear picture of your target customer using market research and analysis
- analysing the market you operate in by conducting market research (quantitative and qualitative data collection, field and desk research, focus groups, interviews, pilot testing, marketing planning ) allowing us to collate relevant market data as well as to be in a position to establish market trends
- analysing the competition by helping you to ask yourself what other choices your target customers have to satisfy their needs. We’ll also do so by, amongst other things, researching and assessing your company’s strengths and weaknesses and those of your competitors
assisting you to develop products and brands including new name research, analysing product types, creating designing of brand logos and corporate identity tools, positioning the brand and producing
- printed material (large format, short run digital, conventional offset),
- photography and art direction
- mobile applications
- researching distribution channels (including foreign) by establishing what is the best way to deliver your product or service to your target customers knowing that this will impact your sales strategy and your financials, as well as your marketing mix
conducting below the line promotions such as:
- door-to-door targeted mail shots
- in-store promotions
- mobile (phone) and messaging alerts
- organisation of small to medium-sized conferences
- social corporate responsibility
- analysing the financials by putting together your marketing budget and evaluate projected marketing ROI, customer acquisition costs, etc.
- continuously reviewing and revising your marketing strategy’s effectiveness and relevance
At Atriga Consult we can help you with all the requirements of modern media advertising including:
- television commercials and radio spots
- printing of adverts for newspapers, magazines, billboards, bus shelters, buses and web-related promotion
We have the experience and the right people on hand for your use to produce successful
- TV commercials
- infomercials
- advertorials
- documentaries
in line with the highest possible technical standards expected today.